We know it can be a little unnerving to step into a new environment, especially when you’re not exactly sure what to expect. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions to give you a picture of what LifeConnection looks like week to week.
9:00am every Sunday at 217 Benton Blvd. KCMO
Everyone is welcome.
What you’ll encounter when you attend LifeConnection is a biblical community where people seek to know and love God, connect with others in community and impact the city as we think Christ would. Practically speaking, this means some of us are just checking out this Jesus thing for the first time, while others have been in church their whole lives. The bottom line: Everyone is welcome.
You're the reason we started LifeConnection.
LifeConnection aims to be a comfortable place for those who are curious about God but have never felt comfortable in church. We want LifeConnection to be a place where you can encounter Christ and discover who God is and what He wants for you. It’s okay if you don’t have it all figured out.
Keep it real.
LifeConnection has always been a place where we keep it real. We don’t need complexity in order for people to encounter Christ. We teach from the Bible, we pray, we sing, and laugh. As some like to say, while we do take the gospel very seriously, we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Our desire is: no matter where you find yourself spiritually, you’ll be able to encounter Christ in a way that makes sense.
Simply the bible.
The teachings at LifeConnection are always practical in nature. We believe that God wants to be involved in our everyday lives, so we present the truths of the Bible in a format that’s easy to understand, even if you’ve never been to church.
Just be you.
At LifeConnection, you’re welcome to wear whatever you’d like. There is no set dress code, although the attire is more on the casual side. Just be you.
Find us on a map.
LifeConnection meets north of Independence Ave at 217 Benton Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64123. We meet every Sunday at 9:00am.
KidsCo has classes for kids ages 6 months to 10 years old, which take place at the same time as our service.
Partnering with parents to grow a generation that treasures Christ.
We envision a generation centered on the Gospel of Jesus. We envision a generation who understand the severity of sin and the beauty of Christ's work to save us out of that sin. We desire a generation who treasures Christ above all else and will joyfully give their time, talent and treasure to see Christ's Kingdom expand in Kansas City and beyond.
9:00 am Service
• Check in: 8:50
• Classes offered: 6mos - 10 years old
Please do.
LifeConnection is a welcoming environment for people who are curious about Christianity or who are seeking to belong to a community of Christ followers.
...and growing.
LifeConnection Northeast has been meeting on Sunday morning since January 2015.
Find out more about Our Church.
All are welcome.
LifeConnection has people from all kinds of different backgrounds. We are connected to a network of Baptist churches around the U.S. and are a part of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network.